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PIXEL by pixel

Available now



PIXEL by pixel

Available now



PIXEL by pixel

Available now



PIXEL by pixel

I do product design For YCOMBINATOR
start-ups and brands all around

the world by creating engaging

and Unique experiences

I do product design For YCOMBINATOR
start-ups and brands all around

the world by creating engaging

and Unique experiences

I do product design For

YCOMBINATOR start-ups and

brands all around the world

by creating engaging

and Unique experiences

I do product design For


and brands all arounD

the world by creating

engaging and Unique


  • limelight

  • Navigo Abroad

  • limelight

  • Navigo Abroad

  • limelight

  • Navigo Abroad



that breathe life



that breathe life



that breathe life




breathe life

you are A Few pixels away from your PErFECT WEbsite

you are A Few pixels away from your PErFECT WEbsite

you are Few pixeLs away

from your PErFECT









To kick things off, we start with study, research, and a discovery

session so I can learn more about your business and what the

roadmap looks like that resonates with your target audience.

To kick things off, we start with study, research, and a

discovery session so I can learn more about your business

and what the roadmap looks like that resonates with your

target audience.

To kick things off we start with

study, research and a discovery

session so i can learn more about

your business and what the

roadmap looks like that resonates

with your target audience.

To kick things off, we

start with study,

research, and a

discovery session so I

can learn more about

your business and what

the roadmap looks like

that resonates with

your target audience.





To kick things off we start with

study, research and a discovery

session so i can learn more about

your business and what the

roadmap looks like that resonates

with your target audience.

Rather than low fidelity I like to start

with the mid fidelity prototypes and

mood-board. Then we choose the

final concept. I work lightning fast

and try to provide multiple

variations. If you are in need for

something fast & minimal you

are in the right place.

Rather than low fidelity,

I like to start with the

mid-fidelity prototypes

and moodboards. Then

we choose the final

concept. I work

lightning fast and try to

provide multiple

variations. If you are in

need for something

fast & minimal, you are

in the right place.



Rather than low fidelity, I like to start with the mid-fidelity

prototypes and moodboards. Then we choose the final

concept. I work lightning fast and try to provide

multiple variations. If you are in need for

something fast & minimal, you are

in the right place.

Rather than low fidelity, I like to start with the mid-

fidelity prototypes and moodboards. Then we

choose the final concept. I work lightning fast

and try to provide multiple variations. If you

are in need for something fast & minimal,

you are in the right place.





If you want to bring your website to life, I got you with Framer

Development, and if you want something specific, I’ve got a

team of high skilled developers. Bringing visuals to life

through developing highly functional web solutions.

Fast and transparent, Pixel Perfect.



To kick things off we start with

study, research and a discovery

session so i can learn more about

your business and what the

roadmap looks like that resonates

with your target audience.

If you want to bring your website to

life, I got you with Framer

Development, & If you want

something specific I’ve got a team

with high skilled developers.

Bringing visuals to life through

developing highly functional web

solutions. Fast and transparent,

Pixel Perfect.

If you want to bring

your website to life, I

got you with Framer

Development, and if

you want something

specific, I’ve got a

team of high skilled

developers. Bringing

visuals to life through

developing highly

functional web

solutions. Fast and

transparent, Pixel




Here Some of the folks i’ve worked

with and had An Amazing time



Here Some of the folks i’ve worked

with and had An Amazing time



Here Some of the folks i’ve worked

with and had An Amazing time



Here Some of the folks

i’ve worked with and had

An Amazing time

Who am I

About me

Who am I

About me

Who am I

About me

I am shahriar, aka pixy. When i'm not working, you’ll find me Binge watching

k-drama, Playing Dota 2 or planning my next trip to somewhere exquisite 🏖️

I am shahriar, aka pixy. When i'm not working you’ll find me

Binge watching k-drama, playing Dota 2 or planning my next

trip to somewhere exquisite 🏖️

I am shahriar, aka pixy. When i'm not working you’ll find

me Binge watching k-drama, playing Dota 2 or planning

my next trip to somewhere exquisite 🏖️

Currently, building “millionleads.ai” Identify anonymous visitors at a

person level and engage them in real-time like your best salesman

Currently, building “millionleads.ai” Identify anonymous visitors at a person level and engage them in real-time like your best salesman

Currently, building “millionleads.ai” Identify anonymous visitors at aperson level and engage

them in real-time like your best salesman

I am shahriar, aka pixy. When i'm not

working, you’ll find me Binge watching

k-drama, playing Dota 2 or planning

my next trip to somewhere exquisite 🏖️

Currently, building “millionleads.ai” Identify anonymous visitors at a person level and engage them in real-time like your best salesman

Check out my My latest work:

Check out my My latest work:

  • UI/UX

    Framer Development


    Design System

    Mobile Apps


  • UI/UX

    Framer Development


    Design System

    Mobile Apps


  • UI/UX

    Framer Development


    Design System

    Mobile Apps


  • UI/UX

    Framer Development


    Design System

    Mobile Apps


Frequently Asked


How much will i charge per project?

My pricing depends on the project scope, but it usually falls in the range of USD 1.5K to 3K. Think of it as an investment in getting your online presence to stand out, not just another website expense. If you fall under the early funding stage don't worry and reach out.

Is time zone going to be an issue?

Nope, I've been conquering remote collaboration for 8 years now. The beauty of the internet is, we can work together seamlessly no matter where you are in the world. So, whether you're an early bird or a night owl, we can find a schedule that works for both of us.

Are we going to have daily calls?

Not necessarily! I prefer to focus on diving deep into the project and sending you updates regularly. But hey, if you're feeling like you wanna talk or need a brainstorming session, I'm always happy to hop on a call. Consider me your website genie, granting wishes (and kicking website woes to the curb) without the daily check-ins.

How long will it take to fully go live?

This one depends on the complexity of the project, usually a landing page with 2-3 inner page take around 3-4 weeks but fear not, I work lightning fast when it comes to building awesome websites! Just give me the details, and I'll whip up a timeline that gets your site up and running in no time.

Do you charge per hour or per project rate?

I usually charge per project. I prefer to fix a price and focus on creating something great instead of counting hours ;)

Frequently Asked


How much will i charge per project?

My pricing depends on the project scope, but it usually falls in the range of USD 1.5K to 3K. Think of it as an investment in getting your online presence to stand out, not just another website expense. If you fall under the early funding stage don't worry and reach out.

Is time zone going to be an issue?

Nope, I've been conquering remote collaboration for 8 years now. The beauty of the internet is, we can work together seamlessly no matter where you are in the world. So, whether you're an early bird or a night owl, we can find a schedule that works for both of us.

Are we going to have daily calls?

Not necessarily! I prefer to focus on diving deep into the project and sending you updates regularly. But hey, if you're feeling like you wanna talk or need a brainstorming session, I'm always happy to hop on a call. Consider me your website genie, granting wishes (and kicking website woes to the curb) without the daily check-ins.

How long will it take to fully go live?

This one depends on the complexity of the project, usually a landing page with 2-3 inner page take around 3-4 weeks but fear not, I work lightning fast when it comes to building awesome websites! Just give me the details, and I'll whip up a timeline that gets your site up and running in no time.

Do you charge per hour or per project rate?

I usually charge per project. I prefer to fix a price and focus on creating something great instead of counting hours ;)

Frequently Asked


How much will i charge per project?

My pricing depends on the project scope, but it usually falls in the range of USD 1.5K to 3K. Think of it as an investment in getting your online presence to stand out, not just another website expense. If you fall under the early funding stage don't worry and reach out.

Is time zone going to be an issue?

Nope, I've been conquering remote collaboration for 8 years now. The beauty of the internet is, we can work together seamlessly no matter where you are in the world. So, whether you're an early bird or a night owl, we can find a schedule that works for both of us.

Are we going to have daily calls?

Not necessarily! I prefer to focus on diving deep into the project and sending you updates regularly. But hey, if you're feeling like you wanna talk or need a brainstorming session, I'm always happy to hop on a call. Consider me your website genie, granting wishes (and kicking website woes to the curb) without the daily check-ins.

How long will it take to fully go live?

This one depends on the complexity of the project, usually a landing page with 2-3 inner page take around 3-4 weeks but fear not, I work lightning fast when it comes to building awesome websites! Just give me the details, and I'll whip up a timeline that gets your site up and running in no time.

Do you charge per hour or per project rate?

I usually charge per project. I prefer to fix a price and focus on creating something great instead of counting hours ;)




How much will i charge per project?

My pricing depends on the project scope, but it usually falls in the range of USD 1.5K to 3K. Think of it as an investment in getting your online presence to stand out, not just another website expense. If you fall under the early funding stage don't worry and reach out.

Is time zone going to be an issue?

Nope, I've been conquering remote collaboration for 8 years now. The beauty of the internet is, we can work together seamlessly no matter where you are in the world. So, whether you're an early bird or a night owl, we can find a schedule that works for both of us.

Are we going to have daily calls?

Not necessarily! I prefer to focus on diving deep into the project and sending you updates regularly. But hey, if you're feeling like you wanna talk or need a brainstorming session, I'm always happy to hop on a call. Consider me your website genie, granting wishes (and kicking website woes to the curb) without the daily check-ins.

How long will it take to fully go live?

This one depends on the complexity of the project, usually a landing page with 2-3 inner page take around 3-4 weeks but fear not, I work lightning fast when it comes to building awesome websites! Just give me the details, and I'll whip up a timeline that gets your site up and running in no time.

Do you charge per hour or per project rate?

I usually charge per project. I prefer to fix a price and focus on creating something great instead of counting hours ;)